Pancreatic Diseases
Pancreas is a vital organ and performs both the exocrine and endocrine functions. Pancreas may have several diseases. There are various causes of pancreatic diseases. Doctor advises to undergo several diagnostic tests to determine the type, cause, and extent of the disease.

What Is Pancreas?
Pancreas is situated in the abdominal cavity and helps in food metabolism. It is a gland and performs both exocrine and endocrine functions. Due to its exocrine function, it helps in digestion, while its endocrine ability helps in regulating the optimum blood sugar level. The length of the pancreas is about six to eight inches and the shape is like an extended pear. Several organs such as liver, small intestine, and spleen surrounds the pancreas.
Pancreas secretes chymotrypsin and trypsin for the digestion of proteins, amylase for the digestion of carbohydrates, and lipase for the digestion of fats. The pancreatic duct carries the enzymes from the pancreas to the stomach when the food enters the digestive tract. A part of the pancreas, islets of Langerhans, synthesizes the hormones and secretes them directly into the blood stream. The main hormones secreted by the pancreas are insulin and glucagon.
What Are The Diseases Of Pancreas?
Different diseases may affect the pancreas. The symptoms of the diseases depend upon the type and severity. Some of the diseases of pancreas are:
- Acute Pancreatitis : The acute pancreatitis is the condition in which there is a sudden inflammation in the pancreas. The patient with this condition experiences severe abdominal pain. Patient may also have nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. There are several causes of acute pancreatitis. The treatment depends upon the underlying causes of the disease. Most patients with acute pancreatitis completely recover.
- Chronic Pancreatitis : Chronic pancreatitis is a long-term disease and may result in damage to the pancreas. The condition most commonly occur in people with the age between 30 years to 40 years. Men are at increased risk for developing this condition. The symptoms, along with the disease, progresses from mild to severe. In case of complete pancreatic damage, the patient is unable to maintain optimum blood sugar level and may suffer from diabetes mellitus.
- Hereditary Pancreatitis : Pancreatitis may also occur due to hereditary alterations in the pancreas and intestine. The patient may have pancreatitis early in the life and then progress tochronic pancreatitis. Cystic fibrosis, a hereditary disease, also cause pancreatitis. The condition progresses and result in permanent damage to the pancreas. The treatment for hereditary pancreatitis is almost like chronic pancreatitis.
- Pancreatic Cancer : Malignant cells in the pancreatic tissues result in pancreatic cancer. Patients do not experience any symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the initial stage. However, as the diseases progresses, symptoms began to appear. Painless jaundice is usually the first sign of pancreatic cancer.
What Are The Symptoms Of Pancreatic Diseases?
Most patients do not experience any symptoms during the initial stage of the pancreatic disease, except in acute pancreatitis. Some of the general symptoms in pancreatic diseases are:
- Fever
- Fatigue and weakness
- Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting
- Pain in the abdomen
- Weight loss
- Upset stomach
- Malnutrition
- Diabetes
- Bloating
What Are The Causes Of Pancratic Diseases?
Some of the causes of pancreatic disorder are:
- Underlying medical conditions : Several underlying medical conditions result in pancreatic diseases. The patients with infection, gallstones, high level of triglycerides, and metabolic disorders are at increased risk of developing pancreatic diseases.
- Medications: There are several drugs that causes pancreatic diseases as their side effects. Some of them are estrogen, corticosteroids, antibiotics, diuretics, and medicines for autoimmune diseases.
- Trauma : A trauma to the pancreas causes pancreatic injury and may cause pancreatic dysfunction. Trauma may occur during vehicle collision or when hit by a blunt object.
- Surgery : In some cases, the post-operative complications may result in hemorrhagic pancreatitis.
- Hereditary disease: Certain hereditary diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, may result in pancreatic diseases.
- Prolonged consumption of alcohol: People who consume excessive alcohol for a prolong period are at high risk for developing pancreatic disease.
- Family history : People with the family history of pancreatic disease are more vulnerable to developing the pancreatic disease.
How The Doctor Diagnoses Pancreatic Diseases?
There are several methods to diagnose the pancreatic disease. Some of the methods are:
- Physical evaluation : The doctor perform comprehensive examination and seek information about your symptoms.
- Blood tests: The doctor may advise you to undergo blood test. Through the blood test, your doctor may evaluate the functional status of the pancreas. Blood test includes determining the level of amylase and lipase.
- Imaging techniques: The doctor may also advise you to undergo imaging techniques to determine the presence and severity of the pancreatic disease. The imaging techniques include MRI, Ultrasound, and CT scan.
- Stool tests : Stool tests may also be performed to analyze the level of fat present in the stools. It will provide information about the nutrient absorption status.
What Are The Options For Treating Pancreatic Disease In Delhi?
There are several options for the treatment of pancreatic diseases in Delhi. The type of treatment depends upon the pancreatic disease and its severity. Some of the treatment for pancreatic diseases are:
- Medications: The medications may help to manage the underlying causes of pancreatitis. For example, if the pancreatitis is due to infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. The doctor may also prescribe pain relievers to manage pain.
- Fasting: The doctor may also advise you to stop eating for one to two days to allow the pancreas to recover. Once the inflammation is stable, the doctor may allow you to drink liquid. After some time, you may return to your normal diet.
- Surgery: The doctor may also recommend surgery in case the medications did not provide any relief. The surgery depends upon the cause of pancreatic diseases. You should consult with the best GI surgeon in Delhi for surgery for your pancreatic disease.
What Is The Cost Of Pancreatic Disease Treatment In Delhi?
The cost of pancreatic disease treatment in Delhi depends upon several factors. It depends upon the type of hospital, experience of the doctor, type of treatment (whether medicines or surgery) and severity of the disease (as more severe disease may require longer hospital stay or longer treatment).
From Where I Can Get More Information About The Pancreatic Disease And Treatment?
For more information about the pancreatic disease and treatment options, you may fill the form and write your symptoms in more detail.