Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery
What Is Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery?
Laparoscopic pancreatic surgery is the minimally invasive procedure performed to treat various pancreatic diseases. The disease that can be managed through this procedure include acute and chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, premalignant cysts, and anomalies of the pancreatic duct.

What Are The Various Diseases That Can Be Treated With Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery In Delhi?
There are several diseases of the pancreas that can be treated with the laparoscopic surgery. Your doctor will determine your eligibility to undergo the laparoscopic surgery by diagnosing your condition through several tests, including the imaging techniques. Some of the diseases are:
- Pancreatic Cysts: Several cysts occur in pancreas. These cysts are filled with the fluid. Most patients with the pancreatic cysts experience no symptoms. The cysts may be benign or malignant. Fortunately, most of them are benign. Symptoms, if present, may include weight loss, nausea and vomiting, and persistent abdominal pain. If the cysts are cancerous, the doctor my remove the cyst through laparoscopic surgery.
- Pancreatitis: Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis may be acute or chronic. Acute pancreatitis presents with sudden development of symptoms. Chronic pancreatitis develops over a long period. The symptoms of pancreatitis include abdominal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting, and weight loss. Although most cases of pancreatitis require a little or no medical intervention, in severe cases, the surgeon may remove a part or complete pancreas through laparoscopic surgery.
- Pancreatic Trauma: Patients may have pancreatic trauma due to several types of pancreatic injury that may damage the pancreas. The patients may have gunshot wounds, blunt abdominal trauma, or stabbing that may damage the pancreas. There is a high morbidity and mortality in pancreatic trauma. The acceleration-deceleration injury also cause damage to the pancreas. Doctor may perform the laparoscopic surgery to manage injury due to pancreatic trauma.
- Premalignant Pancreatic cysts: Several cysts occur in the pancreas that have the potential to develop into cancerous cells. The most common premalignant cysts of the pancreas include mucinous cystic neoplasm and intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm. The doctor may monitor their growth and remove them through laparoscopy if the cysts are posing danger to the health of the patients.
What Are The Various Types Of Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery In Delhi?
Several hospitals in Delhi have the required infrastructure and experienced surgeons to perform the laparoscopic pancreatic surgery. However, you should consult with the best laparoscopic GI surgeon in Delhi for having laparoscopic pancreatic surgery in Delhi. Some of the laparoscopic pancreatic surgery performed in Delhi are:
- Laparoscopic resection of the head of the pancreas (Laparoscopically assisted pylorus-preserving pancreaticodudenectomy): This procedure is done to treat several cancers of the pancreas, including ampullary carcinoma, pancreatic cystadenocarcinoma, pancreatic head adenocarcinoma, and low common bile duct cancer. Surgeons may also perform this procedure for chronic pancreatitis.
- Laparoscopic enucleation: The surgeons perform this procedure in insulinoma and non-functioning tumor. However, this procedure is not advisable in case the patients have cancerous tissues. Through this procedure, the surgeons remove the tumor cells by keeping the pancreas intact.
- Distal pancreatectomy: Laparoscopic technique may also be used for performing distal pancreatectomy. This surgery takes around two to four to complete. During the surgery, the surgeon removes the tumor from the tail or the body of the pancreas.
- Laparoscopic Pancreatic Necrosectomy: Sometimes in complicated acute pancreatitis with severe pancreatic necrosis surgery is required. With the increasing experience these necrosectomies are being performed laparoscopically and other minimally invasive methods.
What Are The Advantages Of Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery?
There are several advantages of the laparoscopic pancreatic surgery over the traditional and open pancreatic surgery. Unlike the traditional surgery, the doctor makes very small incisions in the abdominal cavity during laparoscopic surgery. Thus, there is a less scar formation, low risk of bleeding, and less post-operative pain. When there is a less tissue damage during laparoscopic surgery, the patient will recover fast and spend fewer days in the hospital as compared to traditional surgery. Normally, after the open surgery the patient is discharged after 4-5 days after the surgery, while this time is reduced to 1-2 days after the laparoscopic surgery.
What Are The Complications Of Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery?
The complications are significantly reduced with laparoscopic surgery as compared to open surgery. However, as there is a tissue damage and exposure of the internal tissues, laparoscopic surgery also carries small risk of complications. Some of the complications with laparoscopic pancreatic surgery are damage to nearby organs, damage to major artery, infection, post-operative pain, and bleeding.
How The Doctor Performs Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery In Delhi?
The best GI surgeon in Delhi will give you anesthesia to prevent the sensation of pain. Then the surgeon will create a small incision on the abdominal activity to reach the pancreas. The surgeon will then insert a small long tube with camera at the other end to visualize the damaged pancreas or any cyst present in it. Once identified the site of surgery, the doctor will then create one of more incisions to insert the surgical instrument for performing surgery. Once the surgery is completed, the doctor removes the laparoscope and the surgical instruments. The doctor then closes the incisions by stitching and place the bandage.
What To Expect Before The Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery?
Not all the patients with pancreatic disease are eligible for laparoscopic pancreatic surgery. The surgeon will completely diagnose you condition and determine if you are eligible for undergoing a laparoscopic surgery. The doctor provides complete information about the laparoscopic surgery. The doctor may advise you not to eat or drink few hours before the surgery. On the day of the surgery, the healthcare team will evaluate your health and measure you blood sugar level, body temperature, and cardiovascular vitals.
How Do I Get More Information About The Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery?
The best GI surgeon in Delhi will provide you complete information about the disease and treatment options. All you need is just to fill the form.